
The restaurant industry is filled with many variables that can affect business. Some variables include weather, seasons, location and service. It is important for restaurants to keep their tables filled with their guests. Txtwire Technologies's unique service enables restaurant managers to communicate immediately and directly with their customers.

Txtwire Technologies is invaluable to restaurants in that it can be used in response to variables that may adversely affect business. For example, a rainy day may keep people at home, but by using Txtwire Technologies a restaurant can send a text message coupon offering customers a rainy day special -- a bowl of warm soup for a deeply discounted price. The ability for restaurants to directly communicate with customers can turn potentially negative variables like a cold rainy day into opportunities to increase restaurant traffic and increase sales.

How are restaurants using it?

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Roll over an example:
Mobile Coupons
Meal Specials
New Menu Item Notifications
Table Availability Notifications
Eating Contests
Birthday Special Reminders
Internal Employee Communication
Team Meeting Notifications
Employee Shift or Schedule Changes
To learn more about Txtwire Technologies or to schedule a live demo call 1.877.652.0030, email us at