Txtwire Technologies is in the news! The word is spreading about Txtwire Technologies and organizations of all types are talking about how they are benefiting from using our service. Check out the latest news articles and press releases to see the impact we're making in the marketplace and in the community.

In the News

October 8, 2012

Txtwire & Broadtexter Announce Partership

Idaho falls, ID - Digital marketing company Txtwire announced a partnership with leading mobile marketing service Broadtexter effective October 5, 2012.

Press Releases

Mobile Marketing and Lean Enterprise

Royce Willard,a Senior Operations Executive with The Williard Group LLC, met recently with Doug Moss, CEO of Txtwire, to learn more about the business of mobile marketing. Read what he has to say

The American Roper Launches New Text Messaging Service

The premier online magazine and Web site for ropers - The American Roper (www.theamericanroper.com) - has recently launched a new text messaging service that allows arenas and event/rodeo producers to send text messages to subscribed ropers.

Idaho Schools Adopt Text Message Alert System

It will now be easier for Preston School District to stay connected