Receive Alerts on Mobile Phones

Now more than ever people are receiving alerts on mobile phones whether it be a video from a friend or a text message from a family member sharing some good news or asking a simple question. Text messages are read more frequently than emails and less intrusive than phone calls. Receiving an alert on a mobile phone is becoming the new standard of communication for many people.

txtwire has harnessed this new medium of alerts on mobile phones to create a new avenue to reach customers, clients, and employees. Announce a clearance sale, send a coupon, invite to a staff meeting or party - all through the power of an alert on a mobile phone. It's as easy as it sounds!

See Also: Text Alerts

Affiliated Carriers

  • AllTel
  • AT&T
  • Boost Mobile
  • Nextel
  • Sprint
  • T-Mobile
  • US Cellular
  • Verizon
  • Virgin Mobile

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What are people saying?

" The mobile alert system has been great. Yesterday, I received the school closure message 20 minutes before the TV. I have kids at 2 different schools and am hard to get a hold of. As a parent, this makes me feel a lot better. "

Darcie Drefs - Parent